
Results 1-20 of 230 for Katherine Noyes.

Verizon to Chromebook Pixel Owners: We’re On It

After a hornet's nest was stirred up earlier this week over the premature termination of some Chromebook Pixel users' free data plans, Verizon apparently has begun trying to make amends. "A very small number of Chromebook Pixel customers may have had a promo end prematurely," said Verizon spokespers...

Google Sadly Owns Up to White Maleness

Google on Wednesday revealed statistics about the makeup of its workforce and admitted that it's pretty homogenous. "We're not where we want to be when it comes to diversity," said Laszlo Bock, senior vice president for people operations. "It is hard to address these kinds of challenges if you're no...

Nintendo’s Plan B

Aiming in part to counteract losses sustained on its Wii U gaming device, Nintendo reportedly is setting its sights on emerging markets and planning a brand-new console and games with those markets in mind. Nintendo CEO Satoru Iwata last week cited higher entertainment budgets among many emerging na...

Twitter Applies a New Coat of Face(book) Paint

Twitter on Tuesday announced a redesign of its user profiles, hard on the heels of its launch of new photo-sharing capabilities late last month. Included among the new features in the redesign are larger profile photos, customized headers, and an enlarged presentation of tweets that have been partic...

Record Labels Slam Russian Social Net With Piracy Suit

Sony Music, Universal Music and Warner Music on Thursday filed legal proceedings against VK, charging that the Russian social network operates a music service that deliberately facilitates widespread copyright infringement. VK operates an unlicensed music service involving a large collection of copy...

Money Talks in Smartphone Kill Switch Debate

The notion of a smartphone kill switch has received considerable attention in recent months, but new research spells out in plain financial terms some fresh arguments in favor of the idea. A kill switch essentially is technology built into a smartphone that would allow it to be deactivated if it wer...

10 New Pilots Sweeten Amazon’s Prime Proposition

Amazon on Thursday announced the launch of Amazon Studios' brand-new pilot season of original comedy, drama and kid-oriented content. New to this year's lineup are dramas from the creators of The X-Files and Harry Bosch, plus comedies from Oscar-nominated Roman Coppola and Tony-nominated writer and ...

Bid to Block Net Neutrality Dies in Senate

The Senate defeated a Republican bid to overturn Net neutrality rules on Thursday, thus paving the way for the regulations to take effect on Nov. 20. In a 52-to-46 vote along party lines, senators rejected S.J. Res. 6, the resolution proposed earlier this year by Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison under the ...

Wall Street Watches With Cautious Optimism as Groupon Readies for IPO

After weeks of widespread uncertainty and speculation, Groupon made its final preparations before going public Friday. After enjoying considerable growth and popularity since its launch in late 2008, enthusiasm for Groupon has seemed to wane considerably in recent months. Critics have questioned whe...

Torch May Not Guide RIM Through the Tunnel

The BlackBerry Torch 9800 has been widely viewed as Research In Motion's best shot at regaining even footing in its battle with rivals Apple and Google in the smartphone arena, but after just a few days on the market, the device's price has already been slashed. Some 150,000 of the handsets reported...

Net Neutrality: Who’s the Boss?

The Internet traffic management plan from Google and Verizon may be just a new proposal at this point, but in the short time since its introduction, it's proven to be nothing if not controversial. Though the plan does include consumer protections against discrimination by Internet service providers,...

UAE to Go Dark for BlackBerry Data

The United Arab Emirates announced on Sunday that BlackBerry Messenger, BlackBerry E-mail and BlackBerry Web browsing services will be suspended in the UAE as of October 11. "BlackBerry data is immediately exported offshore, where it is managed by a foreign, commercial organization," the federation...

FTC Puts Social Nets on Notice With Twitter Smackdown

Twitter has agreed to settle Federal Trade Commission charges that it deceived consumers and put their privacy at risk by failing to safeguard users' personal information, the FTC announced Thursday. In what was the agency's first such case against a social networking service, the FTC charged that s...

Nook Picks a Price Fight With Kindle

Barnes & Noble on Monday rolled out a new, low-cost Nook device and lowered the price on the existing 3G-compatible version of its e-reader. Available this week, the new Nook WiFi device is priced at just $149. The price on the existing Nook 3G, meanwhile, was slashed from $259 to $199, making ...

Social Net Aggregator Pushes Jive Talking in the Enterprise

Jive Software has launched tools designed to bring social networking capabilities further into the enterprise, along with strategic partnerships with both Google and Twitter. Jive What Matters is a tool that aggregates relevant information from social business applications, existing enterprise tools...

Google Hot Under the Collar Over Apple’s Revised iOS Dev Terms

In response to a recent revision to Apple's developer agreement for its iOS mobile operating system, a Google executive on Wednesday lashed out at the company, arguing that the new terms are "not in the best interests of users or developers." The change drawing Google's ire apparently prohibits some...

Is Android’s Cool Factor Making Evo Hot?

Sprint's HTC Evo 4G smartphone may have enjoyed a successful launch on Friday, but not quite as successful as Sprint originally claimed, the company admitted Tuesday. The total number of HTC Evo 4G devices sold on launch day was three times the number of Samsung Instinct and Palm Pre devices sold ov...

Facebook Quickens Yahoo’s Pulse

Starting this week, people who use both Yahoo and Facebook can link their accounts and share updates with friends across both networks, Yahoo announced on Monday. Representing the next phase of a partnership Yahoo forged with the social networking site last December, the newly tightened integration ...

AT&T’s New Data Plans Will Get Customers Counting Again

AT&T on Wednesday announced new wireless data plans that let customers choose the price they pay based on how much data they use. Beginning June 7, two new data plans will be available: the DataPlus option, which supports 200 MB of data, beginning at $15 per month; and the DataPro plan, which ac...

AT&T’s New Data Plans Will Get Customers Counting Again

AT&T on Wednesday announced new wireless data plans that let customers choose the price they pay based on how much data they use. Beginning June 7, two new data plans will be available: the DataPlus option, which supports 200 MB of data, beginning at $15 per month; and the DataPro plan, which ac...

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